如果你对制药行业感兴趣, 皇冠app的药房技术员的职位可能是你一直在寻找的领域的入门. 皇冠app
If you're a team player who is seeking to work in an inpatient care unit where camaraderie and teamwork are instrumental in your professional growth and ability to provide the best possible care to patients, 这个职位适合你. 皇冠app
If you're a security professional who enjoys working on a team, 这个职位可能适合你. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
If you're an emergency medicine nurse who is seeking to experience the close-knit community feel of a smaller hospital, 以及二级创伤中心快节奏的环境, 这个职位适合你. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
如果你是一名医疗助理,喜欢和很多病人打交道, 供应商, 和工作人员, 这个职位适合你. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
If you're a nurse who enjoys working as part of a team to overcome challenges and provide the best possible care for patients, 这个职位适合你. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
If you're a nurse who is seeking to work in an inpatient care unit where the staff and managers are friendly and supportive, 这个职位适合你. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
If you're a sonographer who enjoys providing personal attention and care to your patients, 你可能适合皇冠app的超声检查职位. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
如果你是一个喜欢每天与新朋友见面和交谈的LNA, 以及向病人和同事学习, 你可能适合皇冠appLNA的职位. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
If you're a sonographer who grooves on working as part of a team to provide the best patient experience possible, 这个职位可能适合你. 你将体验到一个支持性工作团队的同志情谊. 皇冠app
如果你是一名护士,内心是一名领导者,努力对病人产生影响, 这个职位可能适合你. 皇冠app
If you're an LNA who enjoys helping others and is happy working as part of a supportive team, 你可能适合皇冠appLNA的职位. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
If you're a leader who thrives on motivating and empowering teams to support work that enhances clinical outcomes through process improvement, 这个职位可能适合你. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
如果你是一名注册护士,在不同的临床环境中有丰富的经验, 皇冠app的医疗/外科浮池注册护士职位可能适合您. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
If working with a tight-knit group where you can count on your coworkers to have your back is important to you, 这个职位可能适合你. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
如果工作是乐趣的一部分, professional team where everyone freely shares their expertise for the common goal of helping patients is appealing to you, 这个职位可能适合你. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
If community health is important to you and you want to work for a regional health system that offers top-notch care yet still has a community hospital feel, 这个职位可能适合你. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
If you're an RN with experience in care management who loves camaraderie and teamwork, our nurse care manager role offers a collaborative work environment that fosters both. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
If working in a group where everyone is willing to help and open to questions is where you thrive, 这个职位可能适合你. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
享受皇冠app以游戏为基础的课程和团队教学方法. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
作为一名合格的医疗助理, you'll work under the direction and supervision of 供应商 and assist in the examination and treatment of patients. 与人才顾问联系,了解更多关于这个机会的信息. 皇冠app
The latest treatment options with state-of-the-art technology and clinical trials — close to your home.
Advanced cardiac treatments from a multidisciplinary team that gets to know you and your family.
全面的,专业的护理和支持贯穿所有阶段和 阶段 你的生活.
Personalized attention from a team that's nationally recognized for its expertise and high-quality care.
康科德医院信托妇女捐赠会, a donor group dedicated to funding special programs and projects to support 皇冠app Health System, 是否会举办一场活动,关注女性在人生各个阶段的心理健康. 这个免费的社区活动将于10月9日举行, 2024, 下午5点到7点半在康科德丝绸农场路的新罕布什尔奥杜邦.
美国的 2024年最佳中型雇主 是根据一项独立调查确定的.S. 在雇员超过1000人的公司工作的员工. 统计人员聚集在3.500万份雇主推荐作为分析的一部分. 评估是在各州的基础上进行的,并基于不同的标准.
康科德医院医疗集团的患者可以接种流感和皇冠app疫苗. See the list of clinic locations, dates, and times to find a clinic that's convenient for you. Appointments can be scheduled for flu and or 皇冠app vaccines via My 皇冠手机app下载.
皇冠app Health System is the first medical institution in New Hampshire to offer High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU), fda批准的一种新药物, minimally invasive treatment option for men diagnosed with intermediate-risk prostate cancer. Urologist Michael Rezaee,医学博士,公共卫生硕士, of 皇冠app Urologic Institute, describes its benefits.
如果你过去或现在是佩森癌症护理中心的乳腺癌患者, 请在10月5日加入皇冠app, 2024, from 10 am to 2 pm at 皇冠app for our annual 乳腺癌幸存者日 event, 皇冠app会在哪里庆祝和支持你.
作为注册护士, 你会有发言权的, 你的想法会被听到, 欢迎大家踊跃参与. 另外, 作为皇冠app医疗系统的护士, you will not just provide care; you will also receive it. 这只是皇冠app文化的一部分:你会被注意到, 你会被认出来, 你会被重视.
作为与新英格兰学院(NEC)合作的一部分, 19 NEC nursing students are gaining hands-on experience this summer as licensed nursing assistants while learning under the guidance of a preceptor in various clinical settings across our health system. 这个独特的项目, 在课堂学习和医院工作之间交替进行, 允许学生应用他们的知识, 提高他们的技能, 并在三年内完成他们的学位.
We've partnered with North Country Healthcare to provide North Country residents with advanced cardiac services closer to home through our Cardiovascular Institute.
皇冠app health system earned the distinction of most socially responsible hospital by the Lown Institute, 一个独立的智囊团. 皇冠app的医疗系统在满分2分中排名130,700 acute care hospitals and was the only hospital in New Hampshire represented in the 2024 list of America’s most socially responsible hospitals.
选择皇冠app医疗集团的做法现在提供自助登记. In the fall, other practices and outpatient testing locations across our health system will follow.
自助办理登机手续时,您可以使用手机, 平板电脑, 或电脑设备,登记预约Top,您的访问. 它既简单又快捷! 皇冠app用短信和电子邮件发送一个链接,你可以在自己的设备上使用.
和皇冠app一起在2024年9月22日上午9点参加恢复之桥步行. Walkers will enjoy a two-mile walk that will begin and end at the 皇冠app - Franklin campus, 然后是布玛烧烤店提供的煎饼早餐,还有音乐, 孩子们的活动, 和更多的. All proceeds raised will support mental health and substance use disorder programs and services at 皇冠app Recovery Clinic.
作为一名药学技术员, 你将通过协助准备来支持医院药房的工作, 调剂, 并将所有药物送到病人护理病房, 医生的办公室, 和诊所.
最新一期的Paysonprograms可以在网上找到. 你会发现食谱, 健康抗癌生活小贴士, 以及为癌症患者及其家属提供的资源. 今天就来看看吧!
艾琳·马尔泰斯,注册会计师, BSN, was honored with an Excellence in Nursing Award in Emergency Nursing by the New Hampshire Nurses Association. 她在7月7日获得了该奖项th 5月22日的年度优秀护理奖招待会, 2024, 在康科德的grapphone会议中心, NH.
如果你住在拉科尼亚或附近,并且正在经历骨骼疼痛或不适, 关节, 或肌肉, 请求成为拉科尼亚协和骨科医院的病人,接受当地护理. 矫形外科专家尼尔·赫尔曼, MD, 瑟瑞娜年轻, MD, 凯尔Przekaza, PA-C, 蒂莫西·奥布莱恩, PA-C, 和亚历山大·亨尼, MD, 会倾听你的担忧并制定适合你的治疗计划吗.